Investing in Gentrace
Intuitive LLM evals for product developers
Learnings and frameworks on investing
Investing in Gentrace
Intuitive LLM evals for product developers
Ambient devices; ambient apps
What does ambient computing look like in practice?
Unbundling consumer search: query-interface fit
In consumer search, one size does not fit all
Outcomes-based pricing
How outcomes-based pricing aligns incentives between AI startups and customers.
The Augmented Web
Three ways AI is changing our web browsing experience
AI agents as a new distribution channel
AI agents are the next big product distribution channel
Horizontal tools, vertical UIs
How user-defined custom UIs change the design and economics of SaaS businesses
In defense of thin wrapper startups
Platforms are discovered, not built
Investing in Ampersand
Ampersand is powering the shift from systems of record to systems of action
Missing abstractions
A brainstorming framework
What developer products can learn from language design
Programming languages and developer products have similar adoption drivers
Notes on developer product adoption
A non-brute force guide to thinking about developer product adoption
No one knows the future, some people know the past
Why timing matters when building a startup and how to answer "why now?"